Sales Letter Copywriting

Buzzwords embraces the power and potential of sales letter copywriting to penetrate mass and micro markets and achieve impressive returns on your investment
Sales letter copywriting has an awesome power to persuade. On the other hand, it has a responsibility to succeed. In no other field is a copywriter’s skill under such close scrutiny. ‘Success’ is measured in response rates where ‘percentage points’ is the only language that matters.
Of course, sales letters don’t work in isolation. There’s the database to consider, the ‘offer’, the package and letter design as well as other variables. There’s the overall approach to think about – does it match the product or service you’re trying to sell, and is the sales letter copywriting in harmony with all that?
Tone of voice is vital, as is the length and layout of the letter. A common thread running through all this is making sure you don’t lose the reader’s attention as you lead them through the ‘reasons-to-buy’ sales process!
That applies as much to restrained, professional-style letters (that are more attuned to achieving ends such as appointment making) as it does to long Reader’s Digest or US-style ‘landing page’ blockbusters that won’t let go until you’re sold!
Long copy versus short copy
In general, if people are interested in your product or service, the old adage that ‘the more you tell, the more you sell’ is true. By all means go into detail, and don’t worry if what you’re saying may bore the pants off some people.
Remember that you’re not trying to convert the entire universe. Just make sure you know the emotional and factual triggers that will persuade your potential buyer to take the next step in your direction.
With a bigger, more complicated or more expensive purchase, you may need more copy. You may even need a follow-up scenario in the shape of a sales person! But at least your prospect has gone along with you thanks to the persuasive copy they read to begin with.
Here are some examples which illustrate some of the points covered on this page:
- Royal Doulton mailer – James I and Royal Doulton mailer – Trafalgar print
- The emphasis in this series of mailpacks was to use persuasive techniques to create an irresistible proposition through historically accurate detail.
- Plimsoll mailer
- A classic approach for the UK market: understated yet authoritative, detailed yet persuasive.
- CEO-FD letter and MD-letter
- These examples use empathy and subtly differing approaches for two distinct target audiences.
- SLO Drinks – GP Letter and SLO Drinks – nursing home letter
- The challenge with this project was to use the appropriate tone of voice whilst persuading each market of the product’s features and benefits!
- The Emigration Group – Sales letter to acccompany an Information Pack for people thinking of emigrating to Australia or New Zealand. Buzzwords also worked on follow- up letters: The Emigration Group – Sales letter – Australia and The Emigration Group – Sales letter – New Zealand
The value of split-testing
Apart from giving you options for testing your database, sales letter copywriting provides the perfect opportunity to compare sales propositions in a real-life and highly controlled market scenario. For various reasons – including cost, timescales and maybe ignorance – split-testing is often overlooked. Truly successful users of sales letters would see this as a missed opportunity.
What better opportunity is there to test whether one offer scores over another? Or whether a particular copywriting style or design layout generates a better response? These are only two examples of ways you can make direct mail successful. Given that sales letter copywriting is an important part of this process, it is important to choose the right copywriter.
To find out more about Buzzwords’ sales letter copywriting (and how we can help with your direct marketing campaigns), be sure to contact Mike Beeson today! Tel: 01457 764050 or click here to send an email.