by Mike Beeson | Jan 22, 2013 | advertising, advertising copywriting, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, financial copywriters, financial copywriting, financial marketing, freelance copywriter
This has to be the hypothetical question of the year – and it’s still only January as I write! Can you name even ONE ‘big’ financial copywriter? Even more to the point – most people would struggle to come up with more than a couple of copywriters who... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Sep 6, 2012 | financial copywriters, financial copywriting, financial marketing, payday loans, Uncategorized
The issue of whether marketing professionals should work with clients in controversial areas of business is certainly not new. Alcohol, tobacco, gambling and pornography have fitted the ‘usual suspects’ bill for long enough. Increasingly, however, in the... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Sep 4, 2012 | business, financial copywriters, financial copywriting, guarantor loans, logbook loans, payday loans
Sub-prime money lending in the UK is alive and well. Demand for Payday Loans, Logbook Loans and Guarantor Loans is soaring. And with the country’s recessionary phase now into its fourth year, these high-interest short-term loans that were previously only... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Aug 23, 2012 | copywriters, copywriting, financial copywriting, payday loans
If you watch daytime TV, you’ll know all about Payday Loans from the deluge of advertisements that target what – it must be assumed – is a vulnerable yet receptive segment of the UK population. Presumably, the TV researchers in ad agencies have... Read more...