Saturday calendar

Historically, workers have fought tooth and nail for better working conditions, more pay and shorter hours.  Then along comes yours truly with the mad-cap idea of providing copywriting training courses – on Saturdays, would you believe.   

Is this man insane?  Or is he doing the ambitious minority a massive favour?  The crux of it all resides in my initial sentence.  And the operative word is ‘historically’.

Self-improvement is the key

The simple fact is: more and more people are looking to improve their lot in life.  And they will go to great lengths to achieve it.  Sacrificing a Saturday or two to learn more about the crucial skills of copywriting is no great shakes – providing it all adds up to a good investment of your time and money!

It’s widely acknowledged that having good writing skills is a huge asset in anyone’s business life.  Copywriting goes beyond that, however.  It isn’t merely a catalyst, a useful tool that smooths the way for other skills to do their effective bit.  To be able to write well is to be in possession of a powerful tool of persuasion.

For copywriting evangelists like me, it is the ultimate vehicle of expression.  The empowering nature of good copywriting skills should never be overlooked.  To undertake a short course to improve your skills in this area can provide you with nothing less than a new and powerful business resource.

Creative – but always commercial!

Copywriting is very much a COMMERCIAL capability.  If you’re good at it – or you’re looking to improve – you will always have a highly marketable skill at your fingertips.  If you employ agencies to handle a slice of your company’s marketing activities, having an insight into how copywriting works will give you the confidence to argue your corner as to the effectiveness of the copy they’re selling you.

It may even encourage you to write more of your own copy (and save money into the bargain!).  In a totally crazy scenario: you may have a eureka moment, leave your employ of 50 years, and set yourself up as a freelance copywriter!

I exaggerate, of course.  A one-day copywriting course won’t necessarily change your life – but, crucially, it could definitely change your mindset.

Saturday is a good option

If you’re pre-occupied with your work for five days a week, you or your colleagues may not have the opportunity to take time out to attend a weekday copywriting course.  You may see the benefit – but the pressures of keeping on top of the day job will dictate.

Suddenly, the thought of signing up for an informal Saturday training session may not seem so bad after all.  If you’re a bright Young Turk, out to conquer the world, you may feel that traditional, offline marketing skills have passed you by.  How, for example, do you find out about creativity in advertising?  Likewise, how important is it to craft a killer headline or concept that leaves your competitors for dead?

These are questions that may yet feature in the mind of a more experienced person.  Or maybe you lie awake at night wondering how much longer you can hide your relative ignorance  of the online marketing world and the esoteric techniques your agency people spout about at those regular monthly meetings?

Very versatile…

The fact is, there are dozens of situations where good copywriting skills could save the day.  We’re not talking about spelling and grammar here.  In the world of professional copywriting, these are very much a ‘given’.

Copywriting at a more exalted level, shall we say, is about a world of ideas.  At a more functional (yet equally important) level, we’re talking about ‘technique’ – and how well yours measures up!

Buzzwords’ copywriting training doesn’t have to be on a Saturday of course (although there is currently a 10 per cent discount on Saturday courses until the end of May 2014!).  You could equally well take the weekday route.

Choose between courses which will improve your online or offline skills – or why not talk to Mike Beeson about tailoring a course that includes the essentials your own situation demands.  And if you harbour ambitions to become a freelance copywriter yourself, you couldn’t have come to a better place!

About Mike Beeson

Over twenty-five years’ experience of working with hundreds of UK ad agencies, blue-chip companies and SMEs of all types and sizes has given Mike the priceless insights that will colour your one-day course.

For details of Buzzwords’ Saturday courses, visit:

If you’d like an overview of ALL Buzzwords’ training courses, visit:

 You can contact Mike Beeson direct on 01565 654023 or e-mail him at [email protected]

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