by Mike Beeson | Oct 6, 2012 | copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, marketing
It’s hard to be humble when you’re an alien. With heads as big as yours – and brains to match – you’re probably wondering why humans have made everything so-o-o-o complicated. Here’s a good example… We’ve made a science out of earning a... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Aug 21, 2012 | copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, keywords, keywords-future, Penguin Update, SEO, SEO copywriting, website-copywriting
We all know that Google has been frantically trying to improve the validity and value of its search results through a sequence of recent ‘Updates’ including Panda and Penguin. We also know that Google includes elements of semantic search in its... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Aug 14, 2012 | brochure copywriter, brochure copywriting, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, Manchester
There are probably as many different ways of writing brochures as there are brochure formats. For brochure copywriters, this could be a little daunting – until you bear in mind that there are several useful copywriting principles that can and should be followed.... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jun 27, 2012 | copywriting, copywriting-techniques, marketing
I’ve seen recessions come and go. I’ve seen good copywriters and designers defeated by economic circumstances. And I’ve seen other people succeed despite the inevitable shakeouts that recessions create. How can it be that some people... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jun 23, 2012 | advertising, advertising copywriting, copywriting, copywriting-techniques
The whole point of this hour-long Google-led video is to show how modern technology can be combined with traditional techniques to create amazing digital advertising by ‘re-imagining’ work from the past. This was achieved using the simple but inspired... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jun 18, 2012 | copywriting, copywriting-techniques, traditional
Just when you thought copywriting had adopted a new persona, it’s become very clear that the old techniques are making a comeback. Or is it the case that they never really went away? Consider if you will: ‘the creative concept’; quality content; and the ‘direct... Read more...