by Mike Beeson | Feb 1, 2013 | copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, freelance copywriter
When I don my copywriter’s cap, I wonder whether there should be a big letter ‘D’ on the tallest cone in Christendom. (For those who aren’t familiar with the dunce’s cap, it was beloved by the cartoonists in children’s comics at... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jan 31, 2013 | Content-Marketing, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, digital marketing, freelance copywriter, online copywriting, online marketing, SEO, SEO copywriting
Embracing offline copywriting may seem a little counter-intuitive in these days of online copywriting and digital marketing. And yet: there really is no substitute for ‘getting up close and personal’ if you want to maximise returns on your investment.... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jan 23, 2013 | copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, freelance copywriter, travel copywriter, travel copywriting, travel writer, travel writing
I’ve been looking at what other travel copywriters have been up to. What struck me most forcibly was the difference in the type of work we do. It’s worth pointing out that there’s a major divide between ‘travel writers’ who go intrepidly... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Jan 22, 2013 | advertising, advertising copywriting, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, financial copywriters, financial copywriting, financial marketing, freelance copywriter
This has to be the hypothetical question of the year – and it’s still only January as I write! Can you name even ONE ‘big’ financial copywriter? Even more to the point – most people would struggle to come up with more than a couple of copywriters who... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Nov 30, 2012 | copywriters, copywriting, freelance copywriter, web copywriting, website-copywriting
When a would-be client calls and says: “We just want the Home page writing,” I always give the kind of introspective nod that would send shivers down the spine of the suicide squad. Of course, I’m on the phone, so no-one has an inkling. Visible or... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Nov 23, 2012 | copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, freelance copywriter, Panda update, Penguin Update, SEO, SEO copywriting, SEO techniques, seo-services, Social-Media
I still have clients contacting me who are expert at putting carts before horses when it comes to SEO copywriting. As anyone who follows Google’s latest diktats will know, SEO has been turned on its head since Pandas and Penguins got in on the act with their... Read more...