by Mike | Jul 28, 2016 | copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting courses, copywriting training, copywriting-techniques, financial copywriters, financial copywriting, freelance copywriter, freelance copywriting, marketing, property copywriter, property copywriting, recruitment consultants, recruitment copywriter, recruitment copywriting, SEO, SEO copywriter, SEO copywriting, travel copywriter, travel copywriting
‘Change’ is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment. You’ll probably hear it whispered in the same breath as Brexit. The good news is: business will always adapt to economic change – and, as the handmaiden of marketing, copywriting will never be far behind. For... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Sep 3, 2014 | copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting courses, copywriting courses for PR, copywriting training, copywriting training courses, copywriting training for PR
As a copywriter who provides face-to-face training courses in the UK, I’m often asked how they compare with online courses, or ‘distance learning’ as it is sometimes called. It’s a difficult question to answer – especially when I’m... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Feb 27, 2014 | copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting courses, copywriting courses for PR, copywriting training, copywriting training courses, copywriting training for PR, copywriting-techniques
If the idea of improving your range of business skill-sets – and Saturday is the best day to do it – you should take Buzzwords’ copywriting training courses for PR very seriously indeed! For the springtime months of March, April and May, all Buzzwords’... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | Feb 24, 2014 | copywriting courses, copywriting training, copywriting training courses, copywriting-techniques
Historically, workers have fought tooth and nail for better working conditions, more pay and shorter hours. Then along comes yours truly with the mad-cap idea of providing copywriting training courses – on Saturdays, would you believe. Is this man insane? Or is... Read more...
by Mike Beeson | May 14, 2013 | copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting courses, copywriting training, copywriting training courses
Forget about piling headlong into the first copywriting training course that catches your eye. Not only is that a recipe for professional disaster. It’s also likely you’ll be wasting your money. To help you avoid the more common pitfalls,... Read more...