by Mike | Feb 22, 2016 | advertising, advertising copywriting, copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques
Whilst he may not fit the conventional ‘copywriter’ mould, Elmer Wheeler was nevertheless a hugely influential figure – a pioneer of persuasive writing. Wheeler’s great innovation was to establish the ‘Testing Institute’ in New York City. This was where he tested many... Read more...
by Mike | Oct 16, 2015 | AdWords, google, SEO
Why is everyone so critical of Google? Is it because the company is too big for its boots? Is there a niggling feeling that maybe they’re abusing their monopoly power? The truth is: it’s probably neither. A company that can become a household name across the world in... Read more...
by Mike | Sep 25, 2015 | content copywriting, Content-Marketing
What’s all this talk about ‘Content Marketing’? Does it drive you crazy? And isn’t it what you’ve been doing for the past ten years anyway? You’d certainly be right to think that a lot of ‘hokum’ surrounds ‘content’ – but that doesn’t mean we should all ignore... Read more...
by Mike | Aug 11, 2015 | annuities, annuity, copywriter, copywriters, copywriting
George Osborne caused an almighty stir last April when he announced that, as of 2015, ‘Nobody will have to buy an annuity.’ He was referring, of course, to the biggest shake-up in the UK pensions industry for almost a century. More specifically, he was... Read more...
by Mike | Aug 3, 2015 | Content-Marketing, copywriter, copywriters, copywriting, copywriting-techniques, online copywriting, online marketing
Using creative copywriting resources to maximise online marketing opportunities Have you ever wanted to halt ‘change’ in its tracks? If you’re in any way involved in marketing – as a copywriter, designer, account handler or marketing... Read more...